

The school is currently open as normal.


Policies & guidance

Please see below for a list of the main policies and guidance documents of The 黄色视频. Please click on the links for the relevant policy (policies are listed in alphabetical order). If you would like a paper copy of any of our policies please contact us at the school on 01245 264451.


Policies Date
Boswells Accessibility Plan 14 Oct 2022
Boswells Anti-Bullying Policy 31st October 2023
Boswells Attendance Policy 31st October 2023
Boswells Behaviour Policy 25th March 2024
Boswells Biometrics Policy June 2024
Boswells Careers Policy 09 Feb 2023
Boswells Curriculum Policy June 2024
Boswells Data Protection Policy Statement 20 Oct 2022
Boswells Drugs and Misuse Policy 01 Dec 2022
Boswells Education of Children in Care Policy 31st October 2023
Boswells E-Safety Policy 31st October 2023
Boswells Examination Policy 31st October 2023
Boswells Feedback Policy June 2024
Boswells Harmful Sexual Behaviour / Child on Child Abuse Policy June 2024
Boswells Health & Safety Policy May 2024
Boswells Home School Agreement 31st October 2023
Boswells Homework Policy 09 Feb 2023
Boswells LGBTQ+ Policy 09 Feb 2023
Boswells Literacy and Numeracy Policy June 2024
Boswells Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Policy 31st October 2023
Boswells Provider Access Policy June 2024
Boswells Quality Assurance Policy February 2024
Boswells RSE and Health Education Policy 09 Feb 2023
Boswells Sixth Form Admissions, Discipline and Attendance Policy 20 June 2023
Boswells Sixth Form Code of conduct 19 June 2023
Boswells Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy June 2024
Boswells Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural (SMSC) Policy 29 Sep 2022
Boswells Statutory Requests Policy 09 Feb 2023
Boswells Suicide Safety Policy 31st October 2023
Boswells Supporting Students with Medical Conditions 01 Dec 2022
Boswells Suspension and Permanent Exclusions Policy 30th November 2023
CLP 16-19 Bursary Fund Policy 05 July 2023
CLP British Values Statement 12 February 2024
CLP Charges and Remissions Policy 05 July 2023
CLP Child Protection Policy 31 August 2023
CLP Complaints Policy & Procedure 6 November 2023
CLP Data Protection Policy 05 July 2023
CLP Equality Duty Policy 12 February 2024
CLP Equality Objectives 3 Mar 2021
CLP Safeguarding Policy 6 November 2023
CLP Trips and Visits Policy 12 February 2024
CLP Whistleblowing Policy 20 Mar 2023
Computer Resources Guidelines 11 Mar 2021
Keeping children safe in education 2023 4 Sept 2023
Subject Access Request A Parents' Guide Feb 2021
Your Data Protection Rights Oct 2022
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