

The school is currently open as normal.


House system


The Boswells House System embeds a sense of community, friendship and healthy competition amongst both students and staff.  A strong house identity empowers our students to participate and thrive in all aspects of school life, both in and out of the classroom.

The qualities instilled by belonging to a house family ensure that Boswells' students go on to value and appreciate making positive contributions to our wider society.

Here at the 黄色视频 we have 6 Houses which are represented by British citizens who have excelled in an area of our Boswells Learning Bridge which includes integrity, emotional intelligence, grit, resourcefulness, self-discipline and bravery. 

Our 6 Heads of House are:

Ms C Down & Mr P Butler - Bronte House (Blue) EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE

Mr D Hardaker - Attenborough (Orange) INTEGRITY

Ms J Winstone - Cornwell (Green) BRAVERY

Ms S Boyce - Hawking House (Pink) GRIT

Mr Ward – Holmes House (Red) SELF DISCIPLINE

Mr S Neale - Nightingale House (Yellow) RESOURCEFULNESS

House Captains

We have a team of Senior and House Captains across Year 7-13 who work together to support, organise and promote the House System that they represent. Students are given the opportunity to apply for these positions yearly and are decided based on their letter of application.

A student’s House can be identified by the badge that they are wearing.

House Events

The House team will organise numberious events, competitions, battles and fundraisers throughout the year.  More informamiton on these events can be accessed through Heads of House, the pastroal weekly PowerPoint, and Satchelone - here you will also find weekly updates on our House League points and other House related news. 

House points

Students contribute to ‘House points’ by receiving achievement points. At the end of each week the House with the highest number of Achievement Points is awarded 60 House Points, with the other Houses being awarded between 10-50 points depending on how many achievement points their House has earned.

Additional House points can be achieved by staff and students by attending and winning House competitions.



House System Date
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